Each individual sector has a dedicated Senior and Junior Analyst for investment oversight and recommendations. Leadership and Advisors oversee recruitment, career preparation, workshops, and other administrative responsibilities.

Current Members
Role Descriptions
Our Leadership team is responsible for all fund administrative tasks which includes meetings, recruitment, interactions with Isenberg, and managing our portfolio. Leadership typically changes on a yearly basis at the beginning of each new year. Although each member of leadership has a distinct role, they work collectively to ensure members are learning and developing during their time in the fund to actively prepare for recruitment.
The Chairman's main job is career preparation and helping members place competitively within finance and other desired careers. The Portfolio Manager is the sole person in charge of the fund's portfolio and has the ultimate decision of whether or not to buy/sell out of individual equities based on investment recommendations from our sector teams. The President focuses on the inner functioning of the fund, ensuring that it runs smoothly and all administrative tasks are handled.
In addition to the leadership team, a number of advisors also serve the fund in various capacities throughout the semester. These individuals are upperclassmen members that, after serving as senior analysts, take on a new role to share their knowledge with the group as mentors and teachers. In their designated roles, they may advise and assist a specific sector, or take on an aspect of the fund's curriculum or culture as their responsibility.
Senior Analysts
Our senior analysts are the heads of each sector team. After serving as a junior analyst, and sometimes a co-analyst, fund members are promoted to a senior analyst when they demonstrate readiness to effectively cover a sector and serve as a teacher to a junior analyst. As much of the teaching and mentorship in the fund is found in the senior/junior relationship, it is pivotal that senior analysts are able to lead and educate their junior. This mentorship also includes assisting a junior through recruiting, networking, and more. The responsibility for a sector ultimately falls on the senior analyst, who must ensure their team and sector's success.
Junior Analysts
Junior analysts are the other component to the sector pairing, who work under their senior analyst on an assigned sector to develop their skills as an analyst and produce high-quality research to present to the fund. These members take advantage of workshops led by leadership and other upperclassmen, lessons with their senior analyst, and other mentors in the fund to learn about financial markets, modeling, research, pitching, and the career skills necessary to pursue a career in high finance. Junior analysts also perform a JA pitch at the end of each semester, which is a solo pitch where they demonstrate everything they have learned over the course of their semester.